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Song sparrow field season wraps up

My first field season working with song sparrows in New England came to a close in mid-June. I was lucky enough to be joined by Emily Overby, a Rivier University undergraduate who is working with me on her senior research project. Together, we assessed boldness (response to heterospecific alarm calls) and territorial aggression in urban and rural song sparrows in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. While we were only able to band a few birds, we did make behavioral observations on over 40 individuals and obtained plenty of data for Emily’s project and potentially a paper.

Emily Overby and one of our banded song sparrows.

Our second captured song sparrow (I missed getting a good picture of the 1st one).

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Emily Overby holding one of our banded song sparrows

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Our second banded song  sparrow of the season.  I somehow missed getting a picture of the first one.

Avian Physiological and Behavioral Ecology

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