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  • Beck, M. L., Davies, S., Sewall, K. B. 2018. Urbanization alters the relationship between            colouration and territorial aggression, but not hormones in song sparrows.  Animal      Behaviour, 142:119-128. PDF

  • Hope, S. F., DuRant, S. E., Hallagan, J. J., Beck, M. L., Kennamer, R. A., Hopkins, W. A. 2018.  Free-moving artificial eggs containing temperature loggers reveal remarkable within clutch variance in incubation temperature. Journal of Avian Biology, doi:10.1111/jav.01685.  PDF

  • Davies, S., Beck, M. L., Sewall, K. B. 2018.  Territorial aggression in urban and rural song sparrows is correlated with corticosterone, but not testosterone.  Hormones and Behavior, 98:8-15. PDF


  • Beck, M. L., Thompson, M. & Hopkins, W. A. 2017.  Repeatability and sources of variation in the bacteria-killing assay in the common snapping turtle.  Journal of Experimental Zoology. Special Issue  Ecoimmunology: An integrative approach. PDF

  • Campbell, S. A., Beck, M. L., Sewall, K. B. 2017.  Hatching asynchrony impacts cognition in male zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A DOI: 10.1002/jez.2074. PDF


  • Beck, M. L., Davies, S., Moore, I. T., Schoenle, L. A., Kerman, K., Vernasco, B. J., Sewall, K. B.  2016.  Beeswax corticosterone implants produce long-term elevation of plasma corticosterone and influence condition.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 223:109-114. PDF

  • Gaschnig, R. Rudnick, R. L., McDonough, W., Kaufman, A. J., Valley, J., Hu, Z., Gao, S., Beck, M. L. 2016. Compositional evolution of the upper continental crust through time, as   constrained by ancient glacial diamictites.  Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 186:316-343,

  • Hopkins, W. A., Fallon, J. Beck, M. L., Coe, B. H., Jachowski, C.M B., Andrew, D. 2016.      Hematological and immunological characteristics of eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) infected and co-infected with endo- and ecto-parasites.  Conservation Physiology 4: doi:10.1093/conphys/cow002. PDF


  • Beck, M. L., Hopkins, W. A., & Hawley, D. M.  2015. Plumage coloration, blood selenium concentrations, and immune responses of adult and nestling tree swallows. Journal of  Experimental Biology. 218:3415-3424. PDF

  • Beck, M. L., Hopkins, W. A., Jackson, B. P. & Hawley, D. M.  2015.  The effects of element exposure and weather conditions on reproductive success and offspring development in tree swallows following remediation of a fly ash spill.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187, DOI 10.1007/s10661-015-4333-9. PDF

  • Hopkins, B. C., Beck, M. L., Chin, S. Y., Jachowski, C. M. B. & Hopkins, W. A. 2015. Local  variation in weather conditions influences incubation behavior and temperature in a passerine bird. Journal of Avian Biology. DOI:10.1111/jav.00581.


  • Beck, M. L., Hopkins, W. A. & Jackson, B. P.  2014.  Variation in riparian consumer diet composition and differential bioaccumulation by prey influence the risk of exposure to    elements from a recently remediated fly ash spill.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33:2595-2608. PDF

  • Beck, M. L., Hopkins, W. A., Hallagan, J. J., Jackson, B. P. & Hawley, D. M.  2014. Exposure to  residual concentrations of elements from a remediated coal fly ash spill does not  adversely influence stress and immune responses of nestling tree swallows. Conservation Physiology 2 (1): cou018, doi: 10.1093/conphys/cou018. PDF



  • Van Dyke, J. U., Beck, M. L., Hopkins, W. A., & Jackson, B. P. 2013. Interspecific differences in   egg production affect egg trace element concentrations at a coal fly-ash spill site. Environmental Science and Technology 47:13763-13771. PDF

  • Beck, M. L., Hopkins, W. A. & Jackson, B. P. 2013 Spatial and temporal variation in the tree swallow diet:  Implications for trace element exposure following habitat remediation. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65:575-587. PDF

  • Beck, M. L.  2013. Nest-box acquisition is related to plumage coloration in male and female Prothonotary warblers. The Auk 130:364-371. PDF

2012 and earlier

  • Hill, G. E., Farmer, K. L. & Beck, M. L. 2004. The effect of micoplasmosis on carotenoid   plumage coloration in male house finches.  Journal of Experimental Biology 207:2095- 2099.

  • Badyaev, A. V., Hill, G. E. & Beck, M. L. 2003. Interaction between maternal effects: Onset of incubation and offspring sex in two populations of a passerine bird. Oecologia 135:386-390.

  • Badyaev, A. V., Beck, M. L., Hill, G. E. & Whittingham, L. A. 2003. The evolution of sexual size  dimorphism in the house finch: V Maternal effects. Evolution 57:384-396.

  • Shawkey, M. S., Beck, M. L., & Hill, G. E. 2003. A new method for measuring avian growth bars. Journal of Field Ornithology, 74:386-390.

  • Beck, M. L. & Pruett-Jones, S.  2002.  Fluctuating asymmetry, sexual selection, and survivorship in male dark-winged damselflies. Ethology 108:779-791.

  • Badyaev, A. V., Hill, G. E., Beck, M. L., Dervan, A. A., Duckworth, R. A., McGraw, K. J., Nolan, P.   M. & Whittingham, L. A. 2002. Sex-biased hatching order and adaptive population divergence in a passerine bird. Science 295:316-318.

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