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Current Lab Members

Emily Overby

While at Nashua High School North and as a Biology major at Rivier University, Emily took several science classes to feed her thirst for knowledge about the natural world. Currently in her senior year, Emily is studying the effect of urbanization on territorial aggression and boldness of Song Sparrows for her senior capstone project. As a steward to the living world, Emily finds studying the effects of urbanization on song sparrows and other avian species to be important. Previous studies have found that increased urbanization is associated with increased territorial aggression of Song Sparrows and other avian species. Studying Song Sparrows in New England provides an opportunity to determine if differences in migratory behavior and reproduction alter the effects of urbanization on territorial aggression.  This project involves Emily conducting fieldwork early in the morning, as well as scoring behavioral trials and using image J to quantify plumage. Emily’s goal is to find a profession where she can share her time evenly between laboratory and field work throughout the year. She is looking forward to presenting the results.

Interests: Water fowl, hiking, dog-walking, trekking through wetlands, ecology, and observing the organisms of this planet

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